2016 has been a year of change – Patrick left nursery and started Kindergarten, Markus left Kindergarten and started school, Alan started a new job as Head of IT at Educa and I clocked 10 years at Credit Suisse and increased to 90%. At work we won silver for best Learning Technology Team (at the Learning Technology awards), which was a great honour.
Thanks to all our visitors this year – Sal, Mags, Chris&Drew, my parents. In the summer we had a fab 2 weeks touring Ireland, and then in the autumn holidays a week in the UK (Peak District & London).
As is our advent tradition, we took the steam train into the forest to find Santa and we all ran the Silvesterlauf though the old town.
We are looking forward to a two week Christmas break in Zürich, with my university friend Jane and family arriving on Boxing Day for a visit.
Wishing all our friends and family a relaxing festive season and a peaceful start to 2017.